
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to our project.

Our foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area. This led to the setting up of the charity, Revive Ramsey underwhich RFB operates, also via a franchise with the Trussell Trust.

We opened in 2013 and last year provided more than 1500 food parcels.

We offer emergency food assistance to people in Ramsey and the surrounds.

In the majority of cases we are able to support people in overcoming their food crisis after three visits. For those in need of further support, and recognising the unsustainability of handing out food parcels on a regular basis, offer additional support and guidance via agencies such as Red Cross, Freedom Charity, HAMA, Age UK, doctors surgeries, P3, local schools, and the Huntingdon Residents Advice Team.

These partnerships with specialist agencies help people overcome the often complex underlying problems that have led to them needing the foodbank, such as: household debt, worklessness, risk of homelessness, addiction, poor mental health and not claiming full benefit entitlements.

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